The regime promises to provide bodyguards to its defenders; the regime persecutes citizens for having white-red-white address signs on their houses and journalists for giving interviews
28 March 2021 | Voice of Belarus

The regime wants to protect security forces members and propagandists by offering to provide them with bodyguards and altering their appearance
Security officials, pro-government propagandistic journalists, and “all those who represent the interests of the country and the people” may be provided with bodyguards.
As claimed by the Deputy State Secretary of the Security Council Aliaksandr Rakhmanau, this measure is to be included in the State Protection Act.
The Act lays out various protection measures “from physical protection to even creating a new identity”. In addition, as it was claimed by the Security Council representative, based on the future amendments, it would be possible to alter one’s appearance to protect their identity.

Source: STV TV channel, TUT.BY
Regional journalist Alina Skrabunova will be tried for an interview she gave to the Belsat TV channel
The interview for Belsat was published under the title “Persecution of Journalists in Mahiliou”. It was a video less than a minute long in which Alina Skrabunova spoke about the search in her apartment.
Alina’s case hearing is scheduled for 31 March. The interesting fact is that Skrabunova left Belarus on 7 March. Despite this, in March alone, the journalist was fined ten times for the total amount of 7,540 rubles (more than 2,300 euros) on charges of illegal production of media content.

A young woman who is seen being detained by security forces during an interview with the activist Nina Bahinskaya was sentenced to 15 days in prison
On 25 March, a video interview with the symbol of protests Nina Bahinskaya went viral. During the interview, the security forces can be seen detaining a young woman in the background. This woman happens to be 23-year-old Maria Tsikhanava. She is a student pursuing a degree in Film and TV Production at Moscow Contemporary Art Institute. Maria came to Minsk to shoot video footage for her course project about modern women, with Nina Bahinskaya being one of the women featured.
Maria was arrested and sentenced to 15 days in prison.

Source: TUT.BY
A man was detained for having his house address sign in white and red colors
Andrei Drazhyn from Ivanava was detained in his own yard for having the address sign of his own house in red and white colors. The sign has been hanging on the house wall since 2015. But now it has been removed and confiscated. According to the police, the plaque is equivalent to an unauthorized single-person picket. Drazhyn’s trial will take place on Monday.

For more information on the events of 25-28 March 2021, please visit Infocenter Free Belarus 2020: