Euronews is discontinued in Belarus; political scientist Aliaksandr Fiaduta goes missing; criminal proceedings are launched against the founders of the solidarity foundations BYSOL and BY_help; another criminal case on violence by Belarusian police is opened in Lithuania on the principle of universal jurisdiction
12 April 2021 | Voice of Belarus

Euronews TV channel broadcast in Belarus was stopped by the decision of the Ministry of Information of Belarus
“The previously issued permission for the broadcast of Euronews TV channel on the territory of the Republic of Belarus has expired,” the Ministry’s website reports. Euronews will be replaced by Pobeda channel which broadcasts Russian-made programs about the Great Patriotic War.
Famous Belarusian political scientist Aliaksandr Fiaduta went missing
A well-known Belarusian political scientist Aliaksandr Fiaduta went missing in Moscow. He hasn’t been responding for more than a day. The aim of Fiaduta’s visit to Moscow and with whom he met is unknown.
Fiaduta was a member of Lukashenko’s electoral team in 1994, after the latter’s victory he worked in his administration (but not for long), and then resigned and became one of the most prominent critics of the first president of Belarus.

Criminal case opened against founders of solidarity funds BYSOL and BY_Help
The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against the founders of the BYSOL and BY_help solidarity funds Andrej Stryzhak and Alexey Leonchik. They are accused of financing the activities of an extremist group and preparing individuals for participation in group actions that grossly violate public order.
BY_Help foundation assists in paying fines to those arrested and injured during peaceful protests. BYSOL helps people who have lost their jobs for political reasons and those who have been forced to leave the country.

Another criminal case on police violence in Belarus was opened in Lithuania, while in Belarus police officers demand moral compensation
Another criminal case on violence by the Belarusian police was opened in Lithuania.
The victim is Vital Aleinik, a native of Maladzechna, who was arrested in Minsk in September 2020 and spent 15 days in a detention center under Article 23.34 of the Belarusian Administrative Code. He was beaten with a truncheon in Zhodzina prison, where the man was serving an arrest.
So far, five universal criminal jurisdiction cases have been filed in Lithuania and 11 more are being prepared for filing in Poland. Until now, not a single case has been opened in Belarus on the facts of violence by the security forces.
Meanwhile, in Pinsk, about 70 employees of the internal affairs bodies demanded a total of almost 400,000 Belarusian rubles (around 125,000 euros) compensation for “moral suffering” from the accused protesters. Police officers claim that after the events of 9-10 August 2020 they “lost their calm, felt horror, fear, humiliation and anxiety”.
A doctor spent 63 days in prison and lost his job
Neurologist Ruslan Badamshin, who has already been arrested five times (he spent a total of 63 days behind bars), is fired from the Republican Research and Clinical Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery where he worked as a functional diagnostics doctor.